Dear Family and Friends,
It's Tuesday, September 16th and school has begun.

Last Monday, Labor Day, after a fun and adventuresome drive on the Cascade Lakes Highway, I accepted a short term job to help out at the new Lone Pine Community School. This new school which is situated in the beautiful Lone Pine Valley is very special. I have spent the last few school days teaching a small group of kids who range from kindergarten- 2nd grade. To be exact, I have six kids which does not include Joshua who comes after kindergarten gets out at CCS.
I now have a wonderful picture of how school use to be. Basically, this two room school house is functioning like the schools use to at the turn of the century. I have great respect for the teachers who taught multiple grades. They must have had great classroom management.
Today while helping the first graders with their cursive, a second grade boy volunteered to help the kindergarten boy with his work. The scene was so precious. Even though the group is small, it is challenging to work with 3 different grades. These children are learning far more than just the 3 R's. They are learning to give of themselves, to work together, to show love to those who are younger than them. I have seen this scene over and over these last few days and see why such a school will become very desirable to families in the Lone Pine community and it's surrounding areas.
I am only teaching for two more days. I have become quite fond of these sweet kids and will have a difficult time leaving. I know that God has great plans for this community Christian school and I feel so blessed to have been a part of it if only for a few days.
Now for my children and their first few days of school-
All four children are attending CCS this year. I prayed all summer for God to make it clear what the plan was. I was open to all the options and at the final hour, a week before school began Michael and I had our answer. A great BIG thanks to the Grandparents and Auntie Nancy and Uncle Dave for contributing to our children's education. With their help, my job of teaching 1o piano students, and a couple babysitting jobs, we are able to sent the kids to the Christian School. I can't express how happy they were when they found out that they were going back. It has been a wonderful school for them.
Their first few days have been wonderful. They love their new teachers and are enthusiastic so far about the work they are doing.
Jeffrey proclaimed that he loves 6th grade!! I just can't believe he is actually in 6th grade. He has become very responsible lately. He has also discovered that he needs a shower every morning and deodorant is a must. I wonder when he will start liking girls?
Mandi is an eight grader. She is setting her goals high. She wants to run for president and is working hard so she can graduate from junior high with honors. Nothing is going to stop this girl from rising to the top. All I can say is, "way to go Mandi"!
Emma is becoming "little miss social". She is in the fourth grade and She loves to talk on the phone with her friends. I think she goes to school only to see her friends but does excellent in her studies. She is very organized and has her lunch packed for the next day before I remind her. It will be fun to see her blossom this year. So far there is very little girl drama in her class. It's refreshing to hear that the girls are all getting along.
Joshy is finally in kindergarten. My little caboose is now in school 5 days a week in the morning. His first day of school didn't happen. Since I was out at Lone Pine, Michael had the great responsibility to get the four kids to school. Josh didn't handle it so well. He was excited before hand but when it came time to go in his new room with his new teacher he got anxious. Michael didn't have the heart to leave Josh so upset and drove him out to Lone Pine to hand him over to me. So, of course Josh had a wonderful day- he was with his mommy!! I am happy to report that he made it to school the next day and loved it!! Now he is excited to go every morning.
Our family has had to be very organized these last couple of weeks in order for life to run smoothly. I can't say enough how wonderful my sweet hubby has been in helping me with dinners, laundry, dishes, car pool and much more so that I can work out at Lone Pine. I also want to give my kids some praise for all the little things that they have done to help out. I have so much respect for mothers who work and still manage the household. It takes everyone in the family to pitch in and do their job.
I have missed blogging and hope to have some time in the near future to post some great, fun pictures of the summer. I hope the first few weeks of school have gone smoothly for all of you. I think of and pray often for you all and the wonderful task God has given you as a mommy and wife and teacher to your kids. Be encouraged that you are truly a blessing to your household. Your love and devotion to your kids and husband is God honoring and He will bless you.
Serving God and our families together,