Sunday, August 31, 2008

Reflections On Life In Ministry

Last night we celebrated!!! What did we celebrate? Our 3rd anniversary at Redmond Community Church!! For some this may seem kinda silly, especially if you haven't moved much in your life but for this family it is huge!

Many of you know we have been in occupational ministry for 15 years. In these 15 years we have been at 5 different churches. In between some of those churches Michael has pursued other vocational training and job opportunities. In 14 and a half years of marriage we have moved 16 times and lived in 8 different cities.

But finally we have reached a milestone that we have yet to reach, we have been at Redmond Community Church longer than any other church. This morning I was singing on the worship team and could barely make it through the service without tears because I am so thankful for this wonderful place. Here at RCC much healing has taken place. I have children who have finally put down roots and sense security in their lives here in Redmond. I have a husband who is finally relaxing and enjoying ministry. For years he was guarded because of the hurt he went through at different churches. Personally, I am happy just to see my family happy. This morning I walked up to our pastor, Curtis, and held up 3 fingers. He knew what I was referring to. He had a big smile on his face, one that communicated to me that all is good. We are in a safe, healthy place. God knew what he was doing. He was preparing us for this special place.

As I write this I am reminded that all the trials we have faced (and all the memories we have made) these last 15 years in churches, and even my breast cancer has changed our family for the best. We rejoice that we have gone through these tough times and praise God that He has brought us through them. We are stronger as a family and individuals because of them. We are also closer to God. I love seeing the relationship my oldest daughter has with Jesus because times of trouble brought her closer to him. I love seeing my oldest son devour the Word of God on his own because he has learned that is where he can find the answers to life's toughest questions.

I am looking forward to what God has for us in the future and know that whatever it holds, He will be there to guide us through it.


Amanda said...

Feels good to just rest, doesn't it?

I imagine your house is swimming with activity...maybe I'll call anyway. Wondering how your first day went?

Cathy said...

I'm so glad you came to RCC! Just about the time that we did:) We love you guys and the minintry you have and we're sad that we're the ones that left:( See you soon, I hope.


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