Sunday, March 15, 2009

Family Fun Night!

The last several days Emma and Josh (who have been sick with bad colds and fevers) have been cooped up in the house. I stayed home from church with them today just to make sure that they weren't contagious and would be rested enough for school tomorrow.

Somewhere around 4:00 after we watch "White Fang" the kids just went bizerk (is that how you spell it?). The fighting started, they were yelling and screaming at one another and all "hell" was breaking loose. I, myself was going crazy. Usually, I would sent them outside to run off some steam; to tire them out a little, but not today! the weather is rainy and it's very blustery. The last thing I needed was for them to get sicker.

Michael turned to me and suggested that we get out and find something to do. What can you possibly do on a Sunday evening in rainy weather that doesn't cost anything? H suggested that we go to the church. That is exactly what we did. After stopping by Wal-Mart for a cheap pizza and bottle of Root Beer we headed to the church to used the auditorium/gym to run laps, play kickball, and play a little basketball. I cooked the pizza in the kitchen while Michael ran them hard. Then after we ate I joined in on the fun and had a nice workout myself.

I usually exercise on the elliptical but tonight I ran several laps around the gym and ran up and down the basketball court. I'm embarrassed to say that my children lapped me a couple of times and even out played me in b-ball. My 5 miles on the elliptical seems like a piece of cake compared to what I did tonight. Whew- I'm sweaty, tired and feeling good! The kids are looking a little tired too.

Then Michael started playing the keyboard while Jeff played the drums, Emma played the tambourine and little Josh sang. Mandi and I were dancing around the gym, probably looking very funny! I know Mandi tried to take a picture of me but the battery ran out. I am so happy about that! She herself has a blog and could have posted it for all to see.

When my children start to act up like this I tend to overreact without thinking why they are doing what they are doing. I mean really, when I've been cooped up in the house for several days without little outside activities I can get the same way. All we needed was a change of pace, some different scenery, and a little activity.

I think we are all going to sleep well tonight and I think this fun family activity will be a repeater. The kids want to do it every weekend. We'll see how long that lasts!


Yule {b}Log said...

I simply adore family nights.

Cathy said...

That sounds awesome, Kristin!! It's so true about US feeling cooped up too, isn't it? We headed to OMSI (we get in free because of the year pass at Salem's Children's museum my parents bought us for Christmas!) on Saturday because we knew there would be no outdoor play since it was raining and it was a GREAT diversion. So glad you have the church to do that in. I want to play!

Oh and no wonder our kids stay so thin, huh?:)

Miss your smiling face.

Amanda said...

The makings of great memories...

Karyn said...

Hey why wasn't I invited? :)

Oh, that's right, I'm not part of your family.

Sounds refreshing.


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