This morning I go into St. Charles for a spect scan. This is were they inject dye into my veins and then I wait a few hours before they scan me. This hopefully will highlight the places where I am having pain.
My pain has been off and on over the last two weeks. I always seem to have a headache, but I am having less pain in my pack and arm. God gives me the strength and less pain on the two days that I work with the preschoolers. It is amazing how good I feel on those days. Of course, I am very tired and usually feeling pain at the end of the day.
This Friday I get to join some friends from church and go to the "Women of Faith" Conference. Another weekend away! Again no cooking, cleaning, etc...This time it is only for one night. It has been awhile since I have really socialized with the women from my church. I miss Tuesday's Bible study. I miss the fellowship and the accountability of being in the Word. I have a greater appreciation and understanding of women who do work and can't attend Bible studies.
This morning Michael thanked me for working to send our four children to Christian school. I thought that was very sweet, and it did help to hear it. It made me wonder how often I thanked him for allowing me to be a stay at home mommy for 13 years while he worked hard to provide for us. I know that there were many times that my working would have helped greatly but we made it work. Anyway, I am only working 2 days of week and at my children's school. I have a lot to be thankful for!
Have a beautiful fall day! This is the day that the Lord has made. I will be glad and rejoice in it!